We are delighted that you are considering a visit to Columbus Bible! Below, you will find resources to help you plan, and know what to expect, during your visit.
Both entrances facing the parking lot are staffed with an usher who is there to greet and assist in any way they can, but as a visitor - we would encourage you to enter into the lobby through the left entrance!
As you enter the lobby, you will see our Welcome Desk to the front / right. The friendly attendant there can help you find your way around or answer any of your questions about our ministry and services.
The Welcome Desk will also provide you with a map of the facilities to help make your visit smoother.
Our Nursery (ages 0-35 months) is at the end of the Sunday School wing.
All children are welcomed and encouraged in the main worship service!
All children's workers have undergone both federal and state background checks.
You will receive a bulletin / program from the usher or welcome desk that includes an order of service.
The ushers will be prepared to help you find a seat when attendance is high.
Following the worship service, parents will pick their children up from the Sunday School wing while the church enjoys a time of community in the Fellowship Hall where there are donuts and coffee available. We also have a Sunday School beginning at 11AM which includes classes for all ages.
Feel free to reach out with any questions!